A World in Stone

Imagine having the whole world at your fingertips, inlaid with layers of beautiful 4 mm thick semi precious stones! That's right, it's a globe made from all natural gemstones!

Zebra Bedding

Inlaid with natural and untreated stones, long and strenuous hours have been taken in designing,
cutting and finishing each piece of individual stone to complete this unique piece of artwork.

Zebra Bedding

Over 20 varieties of highgrade semiprecious stones have been selected to represent each country geographically and remarkably precisely.

Since the earth is made up of minerals, rocks and stones it seemed only fitting to make a globe made up of the same. In 1991 the first globe was presented at the most prestigious international Gem & Jewellery Show. Displaying high grade semi precious stones, intricate cutting skills, the absence of fillers and the fine definition of countries, this globe caught the attention and amazement of all visitors and exhibitors.

WARNING: Be aware of bad imitations, where
"Countries are square and islands not there!"

Be aware of bad imitations of the original Gemstone inlayed globes, of which we are sole distributor for Australasia.

There is some "Copy-cat" globes that are often cheaper, but some are even more expensive! They are of poor quality and many show wide gaps in between countries. They also do not use semi-precious stones, but just some rocks of unidentified materials. To make things look even worse... "Countries are square and islands not there!!"

There is no comparison whatsoever, between our geographically controlled Gemstone Globes [http://www.crystalcaves.com.au/gemstone_globes.htm] (Approved by the Chinese Geographic Society!) and other copy cats, that have entered the market...So be aware!

For a short period of time all our Blue Lapis Gemstone Globes are at HALF PRICE, because of the introduction of the all new MOTHER OF PEARL GEMSTONE GLOBES, with unbelievable detail and the amazing 3 dimensional look of countries!! There is even more islands and capitals.

Each globe is hand-crafted with more than 20 kinds of Semi-precious stones, such as the ocean's in blue Lapis, Inlayed stones ..Coral stone, White Stone, Abalone, Flower Jade, Xinjiang Jade, Quinhai Jade, Mother of pearl, Picture Jade, Unakite, Red Agate, Drop white Jade, Grain Stone, Petrified wood, Aventurine, Rhodonite, Red Jasper, Leopard Skin( stone) , Red Aventurine, Purple Stone, African Jade, Yellow Jasper, Orange Stone, Zebra Jasper, Howelite, Paua shell,to name a few

A complete and stylish look is achieved through a gracefully designed Gold/Silver/Bronze stand, some with a richly Gold-plated dial.

To check out our range of gemstone globes, please visit our website at http://www.crystalcaves.com.au

A World in Stone
Zebra Bedding

Kid Toy Organizers