What Every Parent Should Know About Newborn Safe Sleep - Merino Wool Baby Sleep Sacks

Merino baby sleep sacks reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and can help both you and your baby get a better night sleep.

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Blankets can be deadly in the cot if they come loose and move around. If they cover your baby's face it could constrict their breathing and that's a risk you don't want to take. Lets face it babies love to wriggle and stretch so providing a safe environment for them to do this while they sleep is really important.

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Merino sleep sacks are to be used instead of blankets and top sheets. They go over your baby's pajamas (preferably merino as well) and have a unique sleeveless design that allows for good air circulation as well as a specially contoured top to stop the material being able to cover their face and restrict their breathing. Merino baby sleep sacks come in 2 sizes, 0-2years and 2-4 years, so you don't need to worry about your baby growing out of them every couple of months. Merino Kids Baby Sleep Bags have special dome studs at the arm seams for a secure fit for newborns, this protect them from sliding into the bag when they move around until they get bigger and fit more comfortably in the sleep bag.

Merino wool is a miracle fabric, 100% natural and allergy safe. Unlike man made materials it has a natural ability to regulate body temperature and absorb moisture away from the body. It can take babies up to 1 year to be able to regulate their own body temperature, and over heating can cause SIDS, something we all want to avoid. Sleeping in a merino baby sleep sack allows excess moisture and body heat from your baby to be released so that they don't overheat and in colder conditions it helps capture and circulate air to insulate your baby. This not only keeps them safe but helps them sleep through slight temperature changes during the night, giving both of you more sleep.

Merino Kids use the finest, softest and most natural Merino from the spectacular Southern Alps in New Zealand. With so many rewarding qualities Merino is a premium fiber with a silk like softness.

Merino Kids Baby Sleep Bags are also naturally fire resistant and do not require chemical treatment like a lot of man made fibers, such as polyester. These chemical treatments can irritate your baby's young skin.

Since babies sleep so much in their first six months, around 3000 hours, it is important to create a safe sleeping environment. Merino Kids Baby Sleep Bag will reduce the risks of a premature death by eliminating dangerous blankets and sheets, and regulating your baby's body temperature. It is easy to wash, easy to take with you when you are on the go, and will ensure you also get more sleep with peace of mind knowing that your baby is sleeping safely.

What Every Parent Should Know About Newborn Safe Sleep - Merino Wool Baby Sleep Sacks
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